Friday, November 20, 2009

Why Chose?

Some of the workshops I facilitate are for clients referred for career decision making (CDM) tools such as the Strong Interest Inventory.  Recently one participant was quite resentful that her referring employment counsellor felt that a decision had to be made.  She was an experienced worker with a varied background and she did not want to commit to focusing on any specific type of work. She felt that choosing only one would hamper and limit her.

Although I encouraged her to discuss her feelings with her counsellor and find out why s/he thought it would be useful for her to go through this process, when I put it in the context of job search it began to make more sense to her.  Another participant had been a manager and stated that she never hired people who said they would "do anything", that it was a red flag that the person would likely be uncommitted.

When I used the analogy of catching 2 rabbits (see previous post), the client seemed to "get it".  She saw that it would be more effective, and a better use of her time to focus on a specific type of work, even if only for one day or one job posting at a time.

"One never goes as far as when one doesn't know where one is going."
~ Goethe

Keltie Creed

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